Responsive to our Nation’s’ Infrastructure Needs

Resulting from Natural Disaster Relief Declarations

Emergency Response

Hurricane Katrina
FEMA Trailer Park

Bay St. Louis, MS

emergResponse fema v3

  • 168 Trailer Camp Park
  • O&M Services for Trailers and Manufactured Homes
  • O&M for Utilities to include Electrical, Water, Sanitary & Fuel
  • Deactivation of Trailer Park


Hurricane Ivan
Florida Panhandle

emergResponse ivan v2

  • Damage Assessment & Surveys
  • Procurement Support


Hurricane Katrina
New Orleans, LA

emergResponse katrina v2

  • Damage Surveys
  • Develop Project Scopes of Work
  • Cost Estimates for Budget Submittals

Hurricane Dennis
Florida Panhandle

emergResponse dennis v2

  • Damage Surveys
  • Engineering for Cleanup and Restoration
  • Accomplish Roof Repairs
  • Replace Power Distribution
  • Repair Housing Area HVAC and Electrical


Hurricane Isabel
Langley AFB, VA

emergResponse isbel v2

  • Damage Surveys
  • Engineering for Cleanup and Restoration
  • Accomplish Roof Repairs
  • Replace Power Distribution
  • Repair Housing Area HVAC and Electrical